Slovenia probing investor interest in London
Mramor will present the government's fiscal consolidation plans and measures to improve the business environment, the Finance Ministry said.
The investors at the round table will also be briefed on the budget financing plan for this year and debt management guidelines.
For Slovenia 2016 is a key year in terms of borrowing, as it has to roll over EUR 4.6bn in debt due through the year. The figure includes a billion euros in interest.
The treasury has already borrowed EUR 1.5bn with 16-year benchmark eurobonds issued in February with annual interest of 2.25%.
The treasury can borrow up to EUR 6.8bn this year, which includes borrowing for current spending and for front-loading the budgets for the next two years.
Mramor will also visit the headquarters of the Financial Times to accept The Banker's award for best finance minister of the year for Europe.
The same title went in 2005 to the Slovenian finance minister of the time, Andrej Bajuk.