Bad bank selling publishing, tourism claims
DZS owes BAMC EUR 67.66m, Delo Prodaja EUR 10.12m and Terme Čatež EUR 1.22m. The companies are affiliated in that DZS is the biggest owner of Terme Čatež (45.79%) with Delo Prodaja as a minor shareholder (9.15%).
The bad bank would like to sell the claims as a block deal, together with related interest, charges and entitlements. It expects non-binding bids by 25 May at 4 PM.
Eligible for bidding are individuals and legal entities from Slovenia and abroad. They need to state the intent of the purchase, how they plan to finance it and make a statement about their potential debts to BAMC.
The bad bank expects to decide on the bids' suitability bids within five days after the deadline for their submission. The bids will not be opened publicly.
The bids assessed as suitable will be invited to the next stage of bidding and given the opportunity to conduct due diligence of the claims.
The procedure will resume with the selected bidders that submit binding bids by 24 June, along with a guarantee deposit of EUR 100,000. The best bidder is to be selected in ten days.