90 years since his death, poet Kosovel keeps inspiring
To mark the anniversary, several events are being held in his home town of Sežana, the near-by village of Tomaj and in Maribor as well as in Italy's Trieste this week.
Born in Sežana in 1904, Kosovel has become, despite his short life, a legend of the Slovenian literary avant-garde. His poems and thoughts still address and inspire new generations.
Due to his progressive and ground-breaking work, he is often labelled a leading constructivist in Europe.
His legacy includes over 1,000 poems, and numerous poems in prose, short stories, essays, lectures, manifestos, letters and journals, said the manager of Kosovel's memorial room in Sežana.
His home town will host most of the events marking the anniversary of his death throughout the day.
In the evening, an exhibition of Kosovel's letters to a women friend and a classmate dubbed "I told you a lot, not all" will open to be followed by a lecture by literary historian Janez Vrečko, the author of Kosovel's monograph.
Several events marking the anniversary took place earlier this week. On Wednesday, "Srečko Kosovel: Odprto" (Srečko Kosovel: Open), a book of selected poems and thoughts, was presented at the Trieste Book Centre, a meeting point for the Slovenian community in Italy.
In Maribor, Kosovel Day was organised on Wednesday, featuring readings of his poetry for children, a literary evening and an art performance.
The commemorative events will draw to a close on 8 June with a presentation of a monograph by a Sežana literary association in Tomaj, the village to which Kosovel's family moved soon after his birth.
In his works, Kosovel, who graduated in Slavic and Romance languages and teaching at the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts, intertwined the elements of impressionism and expressionism. His favourite motifs were love and death.
He introduced modernist moral and spiritual and social activism in his expressionist poetry. His most radically avant-garde poems were not published even in his posthumous publications in 1927 and 1931, which is why his most important works became widely know only in 1967 with the release of the pivotal collection "Integrals".
Kosovel died at the age of 22 due to meningitis.