Slovenia stands out in activity rate of non-EU citizens
It was also one of the nine EU members where the activity rate of non-EU citizens was higher than that of the member state's citizens.
The activity rate of Slovenians was at 75.7% last year, while that of EU citizens and non-EU citizens combined was at 81.7%. The activity rate of non-EU citizens was at 83.5%.
Apart from Slovenia, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Hungary had higher activity rates among non-EU citizens than among nationals. The difference between the activity rates was the highest in Greece - 72.6% compared to 80.7%.
In 2015, the share of economically active population in the EU - that is the share of employed and unemployed - stood on average just below 70% for non-EU citizens aged 20 to 64, while the activity rate was above 77% for citizens of the reporting country.