Pride Parade participants again call for tolerance
With the slogan "We are None of That", the participants stressed that they would not allow unjust, prejudice-based treatment of individuals.
The parade started at the Metelkova counter-culture centre, where the participants were greeted by parliamentary Speaker Milan Brglez.
Brglez said that he was attending the event because it was about the equality for all citizens, stressing that much had still to be done in that field.
The parade then proceeded to the city centre, where it was addressed by Mayor Zoran Janković, who said that the capital would always support events such as the Pride Parade.
He remarked that Ljubljana actually did not need such a parade because the city ultimately supported homosexuals.
Gay right activist Simona Muršec meanwhile said in her address that the Pride Parade was a day when those who were unduly neglected took their dignity back uncompromisingly.
"It is the day in the year when everybody is exactly what they are," she said, while criticising the disdainful attitude also to other individuals who are treated by the society as different for one reason or another.
Muršec condemned the attack in Orlando, which according to her has left consequences in Slovenia as well. The number of calls on web forums for such attacks in Slovenia has increased, she explained.
The first pride parade in Slovenia was held in Ljubljana in 2001 as a reaction to the refusal of a Ljubljana bar to let a gay activist enter. Last year, it had a record-breaking turnout with over 1,000 paraders.
Internationally, the first such event was held in 1969, when a group of New York gays and lesbians resisted police raids on the Stonewall gay bar.