First Slovenian language thesaurus to be published in October
The entries will include explanations of the meaning that is common to the words that are grouped together, while the differences will be indicated via stylistic labels and other lexicographic means.
The chief editor of the thesaurus Jerica Snoj said that the group listing and definition of the shared meaning are the key features that "distinguish it significantly from other word collections named 'dictionary of synonyms' or web search engines for synonyms".
The first reference book of this kind in Slovenian will be known as the SSSJ and will complement the SSKJ dictionary of the Slovenian language, the key reference book for standard Slovenian which served as one of the starting points for the thesaurus.
The authors also incorporated entries from dictionaries of new words and specialised dictionaries and checked usage with the help of Slovenian text corpora.
Snoj announced a digital version that is to be put online "in the foreseeable future" as part of the Fran web portal ran by the Fran Ramovš Institute for the Slovenian Language. She indicated this would not happen sooner than this would be the case "say, for a second edition" of the thesaurus.