Cerar and colleagues in Berlin call for united and stronger EU
"We want the EU to go on, to stay united and to become even stronger, especially in economic development," Cerar said after the meeting.
At the meeting with Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern, outgoing Croatian PM Tihomir Orešković and Bulgarian PM Bojko Borisov in Meseberg Castle, Cerar pointed to the issue of migrations and security of European citizens.
"We need to achieve unity and solidarity here, Europe must be better connected in responding to these challenges," the prime minister said in a statement to the Slovenian media.
According to Cerar, if the EU fails to tackle the issue of migration and security, stop illegal migration flows on its external borders and take effective measures in the countries of origin, "there will simply be no time and energy to deal with development topics."
The prime minister stressed the importance of economic development, including digitalisation, and he also discussed young people and how to provide them with job opportunities.
Cerar said that Slovenia remained within the circle of "core EU countries", which form the Schengen Area and the eurozone.
"We have the same position as the founding members of the EU when it comes to European values. Slovenia proves this every day with its actions, both in terms of migrations and public finance commitments."
According to him, Slovenia acts as a link, as it is open in the communication with the Visegrad Group countries and the core EU countries. "Slovenia has no problems in communication and it cooperates well with everybody."
Europe must take a resolute and constructive approach to the future challenges and also act this way in the negotiations with the UK about its exit from the Union, Cerar added.
Today's meeting was held as part of the consultations hosted by Chancellor Merkel ahead of the informal EU summit in Bratislava on 16 September.
Cerar will continue his talks on the future of the EU on Monday, travelling to The Hague to meet Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and later in the day to Luxembourg to discuss topical EU issues with his counterpart Xavier Bettel.