Start-up Cashila attracts a record 10.5 million dollars
The sum makes Cashila the most successful Slovenian crowd-funding project, Startup Slovenija, the country's umbrella start-up organisation, said in a press release.
The five-week campaign, which ended a few days ago, had made it a goal to secure 2,000 bitcoins or more than one million euros.
But it eventually managed to attract as many as 3,485 investors and more than 10 million US dollars or around 9.2 million euros.
Facilitating the record was a new form of crowd-funding, through cryptocurrencies.
The funds were being raised in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Lisk as well as in ordinary currencies.
Everyone who registered at could contribute for the development of the technical and financial infrastructure and the Iconomi platform, which will bring together mutual funds enabling investments in various cryptocurrencies.