Slovenian piece gets grand prix at theatre festival in Sarajevo
Apart from the grand prix, the show brought director Jernej Lorenci a golden laurel wreath for directing the show, and Jernej Šugman a golden laurel for his performance of Pere Ubu.
According to Lorenci, King Ubu, based on the eponymous play by Alfred Jarry, tries to find an answer about who Ubu was and who is today's Ubu-like person. Lorenci put into focus "the shameless contemporary person".
Apart from King Ubu, Nina Rajić received the award for the best upcoming director for the Zborovanje ptic (Meeting of birds), produced by the Ljubljana Glej theatre.
What is more, Pandur.Theatres, a theatre company established by director Tomaž Pandur (1963-2016) and dramaturgue Livija Pandur, received a golden laurel wreath for its contribution to performing arts, the main festival award.