Slovenia's outbound FDI up 2.4% last year
Croatia is the most popular destination for Slovenians, their investments there totalling EUR 1.4bn. Interestingly, real estate held by households account for almost half the total.
Serbia trails with EUR 996m, followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina (EUR 480m) and Macedonia (EUR 396m); former Yugoslav countries account for over 60% of Slovenia's total outbound FDI. Russia rounds off the top five with EUR 305m.
Slovenian-owned firms had been posting cumulative losses since 2009, but the trend reversed last year and profit payouts totalled EUR 21.2m, shows the Banka Slovenije annual report on foreign direct investments.
A total of 833 firms in majority Slovenian ownership had shares in foreign firms, which in turn directly or indirectly had the dominant position in 1,976 foreign entities.
Broken down by segment, non-financial firms held the bulk of outward FDI, over 71%. Households' real estate holdings account for 15.2% and financial firms for 13.6% of the total.