Govt to set out 2017 priorities, coalition to go over health reform
Health Minister Milojka Kolar Celarc is to present to the coalition a project aimed at reducing wait times for procedures as well as a bill on health care and insurance.
She will present the bill on health care and insurance to the press after a coalition meeting scheduled for this morning. The bill is the centrepiece of the planned health reform since it determines the financing of the health system.
Under the blueprint presented in December, it would set down folding the top-up insurance, which is voluntary but necessary for virtually every type of health service bar emergency care, into existing contributions.
The main question remains how to offset the expected loss of revenue; it would most likely be replaced with additional contributions that would depend on the payer's income as opposed to the current flat rate.
The government says the bill would not change the basket of rights stemming from contributions, but would guarantee mandatory insurance for all children, with the proposal to include everyone.
The solutions are to put in place a more stable financing system, sufficient funding for quality services and comprehensive care, as well as increase solidarity among contribution payers.
The government will also debate in the afternoon other priorities, including increasing youth employability and stimulating youth entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, as well as the second Koper-Divača track project and improving transport infrastructure.
The Government Communication Office has also listed strengthening the rule of law and establishing Slovenia as a green country of reference in digital Europe, including in connection with sports, innovation and tourism.
More broadly, the government plans to continue with fiscal consolidation to establish stable fiscal revenue and development-oriented expenditure.
After a tax restructuring project, further improvements in tax legislation are planned, including modernising real-estate taxation.
Further priorities remain continued privatisation of state enterprises, improving the business environment and reducing administrative barriers to business.
A series of legislative changes are in the pipeline to enhance the rule of law, including amendments to the integrity and prevention of corruption act.
Also planned are changes to employment law, including to guarantee unemployment benefit to those who agree on termination of their job contracts, in which case the bonus would be paid for by the employer.