Over 300 deans and directors of business schools meeting in Ljubljana
According to EFMD director general Eric Cornuel, the two-day conference offers the place for coming up with new projects and innovative products.
Metka Tekavčič, the dean of Ljubljana's Faculty of Economics, this year's host, labelled the event a great opportunity for strengthening ties between partners. At the same time it establishes a unified academic field.
According to her, the academic field must develop a global knowledge and education market dedicated to the highest quality in teaching, research, cooperation with business and social responsibility.
This year's conference will get under way with a plenary meeting focused on the role of social responsibility in educational institutions, and the so called social innovations.
Also taking part in the conference will be Violeta Bulc, the European Commissioner for Transport, and Jeffrey Sachs, the special adviser to the former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on the millennium development goals.
The EFMD is an association of nearly 900 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 86 countries that serves as a forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.