GRECO publishes positive anti-graft report for Slovenia
The report relates to the period as of October 2015 and is based on data the Slovenian government sent to the organisation. It presents the implementation of the 19 basic recommendations from GRECO from the report published in May 2013.
This is the second interim compliance report of the fourth evaluation round for Slovenia. It was adopted on 2 December and approved for publication today.
The first time it assessed Slovenia, in March 2015, GRECO said Slovenia had implemented only two recommendations, adding in January 2016 that the country had implemented another two. The situation was assessed as "globally unsatisfactory".
This time around, GRECO established significant progress, as Slovenia has fully implemented 12 recommendations and partially implemented another five.
According to the report, the level of corruption in parliament is similar to last year's. The recommendation for a special adviser to be assigned to MPs to guide and advise them on ethical issues has remained unimplemented.
At the same time, GRECO warned about the lack of progress in drafting a code of ethics for MPs and councillors and regretted that the effectiveness in implementing the rules on contacts between MPs and lobbyists had not been assessed yet.
When it comes to the prevention of corruption among judges and prosecutors, GRECO established several positive changes, including a commission for ethics and integrity. The organisation also welcomed the adoption of guidelines for judges and prosecutors on the conflict of interest.
Regarding the transition of judges to the private sector, the Slovenian authorities had informed GRECO that only 16 former judges registered as lawyers in the last decade. The number is thus not high, while safeguards for conflict of interest are also in place, the report says.
GRECO, the Council of Europe's anti-corruption monitoring body, is also satisfied with the adoption of the rules on detection and management of corruption risks and with the training of judges and prosecutors in ethics and integrity.
The funding for the Slovenian Commission for the Prevention of Corruption was neither cut nor significantly increased, said the report.
GRECO is, on the other hand, critical about Slovenia failing to examine the possibility of revising the procedure to appoint Supreme Court judges in order to minimise political influence.
The government discussed the report at its session last week and has until the end of September to submit a report on remedy measures.