The Slovenia Times

Former PM Andrej Bajuk Buried With Military Honours


Bajuk's funeral was attended by some 1,000 people, including Prime Minister Borut Pahor, President Danilo Tuerk, Parliamentary Speaker Pavel Gantar, head of the opposition Democrats (SDS) Janez Jansa and members of his party, the New Slovenia (NSi).

Delivering a speech, Pahor said that Bajuk, who held important offices, used his power for the public good, instead of seeking personal justice for the past wrongs.

Ljubljana Archbishop Anton Stres, who celebrated the funeral mass, said that Bajuk deserved every praise he got in the past few days, as he considered every task a duty he wanted to fulfil with responsibility and dignity. "He fulfilled his missions with courage, whether he was praised or ridiculed."

His memory was already honoured on Friday by senior Slovenian officials at a remembrance session of the National Assembly, while another remembrance session of former governments from the terms in 2000, when Bajuk was the prime minister, and 2004-2008, when he served as the finance minister, were also held the same day.

Bajuk was founder and president of the conservative and Christian NSi, which was formed in 2000. After doing surprisingly well in general elections in 2004, the NSi entered a coalition with the SDS, the People's Party (SLS) and the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), in what would turn out to be the party's apex.

Following the party's failure to make the threshold to parliament in 2008, Bajuk resigned as the head of the NSi and retired from active politics.


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