The Slovenia Times

Slovenia takes over SEECP chairmanship


Slovenia formally took over the presidency from Croatia at yesterday's SEECP summit, which was attended by the presidents of Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

The SEECP, which was established in 1996 upon Bulgaria's initiative, also includes Albania, Greece, Romania, Moldova and Turkey.

The slogan of Slovenian's presidency is be SEE4Future - Southeast Europe for Future, which is meant to highlight interaction and the importance of inclusiveness and an orientation toward progress in SE Europe.

In his address to the summit on Friday, Slovenian President Borut Pahor highlighted Slovenia's commitment to EU expansion towards SE Europe.

He said Slovenia is convinced that EU enlargement is the key political process in keeping efforts for political stability, security and progress in SE Europe alive.

The ministerial conference preceding the summit was attended by Slovenian Foreign Ministry State Secretary Darja Bavdaž Kuret.

She pointed to the role of regional cooperation and support for those countries that would like to join the EU.

"Slovenia will continue with its activity not only within the SEECP presidency, but also within the Brdo-Brijuni Process as well as other initiatives which strengthen efforts for progress in countries from the region, security and the region's development, mutual understanding and good-neighbourly relations."

She also highlighted the importance of respecting international law and commitments, saying that EU members should be a role model in this respect.

This was also a reference to the arbitration tribunal, which on Thursday set the border between Slovenia and Croatia.

On behalf of Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, she also invited ministers from the region for the first informal SEECP meeting on 5 September.

The ministerial will be held on the margins of the Bled Strategic Forum.


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