New task forces active at Inter.Min. to deal with refugee issue
The EMN, whose main goal is providing EU institutions and member states with reliable information on migrations and asylum, is comprised of members of the European Commission and member states.
In 2015 and 2016 the Slovenian national contact point responded to 164 requests in the quick information exchange mechanism. It sent out six queries to other national contact points in this period, which made it one of the most active users of the mechanism.
The contact point will remain active, as will the Council for Inclusion of Foreigners. It only met once this year, but it recommended in a report to the government for 2016 to strengthen efforts for coordinated action in the prevention of abuse on the labour market, with a focus on the employment on foreigners. The initiative has not been implemented yet.
Also continuing its work is the inter-ministerial task force for the EU's relocation and resettlement scheme for refugees arriving in Greece and Italy. Slovenia is to take in 567 refugees that arrived in Greece and Italy, and 20 more from third countries.
The country is shortly to also start the project of permanent resettlement of refugees from Turkey, the ministry said.
Moreover established in 2015 was the task force for assistance in the integration of persons who get asylum. The group ended its work in 2016 and presented its findings and proposals to the Council for Inclusion of Foreigners.
Also related to the refugee situation is the work of the inter-ministerial task force for solutions regarding the accommodation of unaccompanied minors who apply for or get asylum or reside in Slovenia illegally.
There is moreover the inter-ministerial task force for combating human trafficking, which helps Slovenia honour its international commitments in this field.