Innovation at the forefront of Business BSF
Getting under way with a Business Breakfast organised by the AmCham, the forum touched on connectivity and leading the change, as well as the relation between government and business in the globalised and digitalised world.
Speaking at the breakfast, Aleks Jakulin, the founder of US firm Ganxy Inc, highlighted the dangers of the "ambient connectivity", including the voluntary sharing of personal information with corporations. He believes that people cannot grasp the scope of change that is still coming.
Another important aspect of innovation is its relation to regulation by the government, the main topic of another panel. Acknowledging that governments should respond faster, Public Administration Minister Boris Koprivnikar, however, argued that innovation will always come before regulation.
Managing director of SAP Slovenija Gregor Potočar noted that the change in ICT is too fast for the government to follow suit. According to him, businesses must start communicating more and establish new standards of business ethics and morals that will later become legislation.
Yet another Business BSF panel focused on Europe and its environment for innovation, with European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc stressing that "the EU has been challenged, we are becoming more and more aware of the problems". However, she called on the participants and people in general to "get engaged".
Business BSF also featured a speech by TEDx speaker Jef Staes, who works for the Red Monkey Company from Belgium, who stressed that we need a new kind of education system and organisation of work to adapt to the growing generation of 3-D smarts - people who have discovered their passion and are not afraid to disrupt the world by introducing new ideas.