Slovenia must remain in the most connected part of EU, PM says
Staying in the most connected part of Europe is Slovenia's national interest and "I will keep insisting on this", Cerar told the press, adding that he was promoting Slovenia's constructive and responsible role in all his meetings at the EU level.
Slovenia wants to remain a part of the Schengen area without controls on internal borders, of the economic and monetary union and other integrational initiatives which take Europe forward and promote fundamental European values, the prime minister stressed.
The message that Slovenia wants to remain in the most connected part of the EU was also sent today to French President Emmanuel Macron, whom Cerar met to discuss the border arbitration with Croatia and other topics on the sidelines of the summit.
"I told him that I liked his pro-European stance. Slovenia, too, wants to be in the most connected part of the EU," Cerar said, adding that he had also told Macron that Slovenia would remain a constructive partner.
The prime minister said he was happy that the summit in Tallinn had debated today digitalisation and modernisation of the EU, adding that "we are finally dedicating ourselves again to development topics".
Europe has been falling asleep somewhat in this field and now needs to catch up with the rest of the world, he stressed.
According to him, the key message of the digital summit is that the EU as a whole wants to be more successful in digitalisation and to become even more competitive globally for the good of its citizens and economy.
Cerar is thus happy that Slovenia is the "country which has made the biggest progress in the EU in the past year in digitalisation".
He noted that Slovenia was establishing a digital coalition, which means that the government, civil society and businesses would make a joint effort for making further progress in this field by 2020.