The Slovenia Times

Trust in EU and European Parliament up in Slovenia, poll shows


In Slovenia, 28% of the population has a positive opinion about the European Parliament, which is seven percentage points more than in 2016. However, this is still below the EU average of 33%, the European Parliament has recently announced.

More than half of those polled in the EU (55%) expressed interest in the elections to the European Parliament in 2019, which is more than in Slovenia (47%).

Together with Finland, Slovenia is the country where the interest in the elections has increased the most. Slovenia, along with Sweden, is also the country where the share of the people who believe that their vote in the EU counts has increased the most.

The respondents were also asked about what dangers should the EU protect them from, with 58% naming terrorism (43% in Slovenia), 43% unemployment (57% in Slovenia), 42% poverty and exclusion (52% in Slovenia) and 35% uncontrolled migration (32%).

More than half of the surveyed EU citizens expect the European Parliament to advocate human rights, and this share is even higher in Slovenia (60%).

In Slovenia, more than half of the respondents also want the EU to protect workers' rights (52%) and take measures against poverty and exclusion (51%) and unemployment among young people (51%).

A total of 27,881 EU citizens aged 15 or more participated in the 2017 Parlemeter, which was conducted between 23 September and 2 October.


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