Ljubno hosting final women's ski jumping event before Olympics
Six Slovenian A team jumpers, including Urša Bogataj, Nika Križnar and Ema Bogataj, will be joined in Ljubno by five youngsters who will get to compete among the elite for the first time.
The home crowd have the highest expectations of Križnar, who narrowly missed the first career podium finish in Japan last week. "I hope to manage similar jumps in front of the home crowd," the 17-year-old told the press.
Moreover, veteran jumper Katja Požun will make the final jumps of her career this weekend.
On the other hand, Austrian Daniela Iraschko Stolz, the silver medallist from the Sochi Winter Olympics, who has been recovering from an injury, will return to the World Cup in Ljubno, Austrian media have reported.