The Slovenia Times

Delo warns Slovenia vulnerable to cyber threat


"It is logical that cyber security is increasingly topping the priorities of all wise and strategically thinking decision-makers. And countries such as Estonia build their competitive advantage on it," writes the paper under In Digital War.

"Slovenia's national system of digital security had in the past few years been understaffed and underfunded, almost on the verge of breaking down.

"After the Public Administration Ministry drew up an umbrella information security bill which is supposed to systemically equip Slovenia for defence against looming cyber attacks and other digital threats, its adoption - in the wake of the prime minister's resignation - in this parliamentary term is highly uncertain.

"Under the worst case scenario Slovenia would get this strategically vital law in half a year or later - that is among the last EU member states. This means that the decision-makers have also failed us on digital defence - which in the 21st century is becoming at least as vital as an army that defends us with guns."


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