Eurobanking Conference
The European work group for operational research in banking, called Eurobanking, recently held a conference in Budapest, which was attended by Slovene representatives from the Ministry of European Affairs and the Nova KBM bank. Slovene representatives made an important contribution to this year's conference. Iztok Valencic of the Nova KBM bank presented a report on the information technology solutions for new European regulations and standards and Janez Barle of the Ministry of Finance prepared a report on new developments in the process of evaluating investment portfolios in banks. The exchange of experience amongst European bankers on current topics saves both time and money. Already-tested alternative solutions are invaluable in this highly competitive field of the economy as the same goal can be easily reached and even exceeded with fewer expenses and far less effort. Slovenia hosted the Eurobanking conference in 1993, and has already announced its candidacy to host it again in 2008.