Sava Turizem selling two spas in north-eastern Slovenia
"The procedure of the sale of Terme Lendava is in the final phase, and of Terme Banovci in the initial phase. We cannot comment further on the deals before they are realised," Sava Turizem told the STA on Thursday.
After the Maribor-based paper reported on the buyer, the newspaper Finance said on Wednesday that it was the Hungarian state-owned fund Comitatus, which was ready to pay EUR 9m for the complex including Hotel Lipa and five swimming pools.
According to Finance, Sava Turizem has meanwhile received only one bid for Terme Banovci, worth EUR 3.5m. The owners are expected to make a decision whether to sell in the autumn.
The company told the STA that the proposed sales were part of the strategic guidelines confirmed by the supervisory board, which included representatives of the state-owned KAD fund, Slovenia Sovereign Holding (SSH) and the Luxembourg-based York Fund.
The national tourism strategy meanwhile envisages consolidation of state-owned tourism companies under one roof, with outgoing Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek claiming that this was still one of the goals of SSH.
The newspaper Delo recently reported that SSH would create a special fund which would take care of consolidation of ownership of tourism companies and professional corporate management.
According to unofficial information obtained by Finance, the Hungarians plan to develop football tourism in Terme Lendava, including by building a football academy.
In addition to accommodation facilities for players, the complex is to feature an administrative building, a dormitory and three football fields. Construction is expected to start at the beginning of 2019.