European School opens in Ljubljana
He said he was happy that the school had put five important values at its core, including tolerance, because "next to knowledge it is important to also have a heart in life".
The government established Evropska Šola Ljubljana, a branch of the European Schools in January 2018, to provide primary and secondary education above all to children of staff working at EU institutions. The school will offer courses in Slovenian and English and will be financed from tuition fees.
The school will mostly serve the children of staff of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), which is headquarted in Ljubljana, and the children of staff at the European Commission's representation and the European Parliament's info office.
The state contributed EUR 850,000 for the renovation of the 900 square metres of rooms at the large early 20th century building opposite the Faculty of Arts, which houses the school.
It is located at Šolski Center Ljubljana, which houses several secondary schools, on Aškerčeva street, a short walk away from ACER, which lobbied for a European School for a while.
This year, 11 pupils are enrolled in the programme that is intended for children between 6 and 18.
In 2016, the National Assembly passed the act on the implementation of international education programmes, paving the way for the opening of the school.