Two Slovenian infrastructure projects win EUR 15m in EU funds
The funds will go to the energy company Petrol for its project promoting electricity-powered mobility, which will receive EUR 12.9m, and Slovenia Control, provider of air navigation services, which will receive EUR 1.9m for the project called Slowam.
Multi-E envisages a regular electric bus connection between Italy's Trieste and Slovenia's port of Koper, and the construction of infrastructure for cross-border electric mobility. The EU will finance 20% of the project.
The EU will also contribute 50% of the money for Slowam. The Commission allocated a total of EUR 232.2m for the implementation of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR), a collaborative project aimed at completely overhauling European airspace and its air traffic management that is running in 25 countries, including Slovenia.
The projects to be funded by CEF aim to improve the infrastructure for the use of alternative fuel, to modernise air traffic control in Europe and to develop inland waterways and railways.
The CEF investments are expected to encourage some EUR 2.4bn in public and private investments, the Commission said in a press release.