Dnevnik: Governor's rejection result of election aftershocks
Problems between the president, who had nominated Dolenc, and parliament in seeking a new governor may be attributed to a new political team lacking practice.
Pahor's nominations for top public office holders were until yesterday successful because he had interlocutors with whom he could reach a compromise.
Now he is dealing with a minority government unable to secure an absolute majority in parliament and the radicalised Democrats (SDS), which are retaliating with non-cooperation because they were excluded from power after the general election.
The failure to appoint the governor was thus a consequence of political shocks in the wake of the coalition formation, with aftershocks seen in votes in parliament.
Although MPs did little talking during yesterday's session, they had clearly let Pahor know over the past days and weeks what he should do - repeat the call for applications or propose his own candidate whom he deems capable of running Banka Slovenije.
As things stand now, the latter option would be even more appropriate, and Pahor should look for a candidate among experts who did not get tainted with the massive bank shortfall, Dnevnik says under the headline President Doing His Retake.
Afraid that the problems surrounding Dolenc's non-appointment could lead to a deadlocked political system unable to appoint top public office holders, Dnevnik says the situation calls for a reflection on how to proceed.
This is especially important because parliament will soon have to appoint a new Constitutional Court judge and Human Rights Ombudsman. Unlike for a judge or governor, a two-thirds majority is needed to appoint the ombudsman.