Speaker, trade unionist discuss social dialogue
Briefing Židan on ZSSS's activity, Jerkič said the unions expected the Economic and Social Council to be the place where social partners also coordinate all new bills and positions in this government's term.
The ZSSS expects the parliamentary speaker to make sure that social partners are included in the process of adopting new legislation, as was the case before, she said.
Židan meanwhile pledged to do all in his power for the National Assembly to respect and further improve social dialogue. He also said all workers should join trade unions because workers' rights were a result of their fight which started more than 100 years ago.
The pair discussed a range of challenges, including precarious forms of work and the coalition's plan to potentially abolish the upper chamber of parliament.
Both consider precarious work as "a kind of a social evil which benefits no-one, yet harms people, as it makes their lives much more difficult, as well as the society".
As to the upper chamber of parliament, Jerkič told Židan the National Council was the only forum at the national level where unions can express their views without being dependant on political parties.
While the minimum wage was not on the agenda, Židan said it must be above the poverty threshold, and Jerkič, who believes there is still much to be done in this respect, added that it should not be treated as a social corrective.
Jerkič also touched on cooperation between the public and private sectors in raising salaries, saying no common talks were on the agenda, but uniform demands were.
Specifying, she said trade unions from both sectors could come together for joint protests, indicating ZSSS would talk to public sector unions whether to join the rally at the start of the 4 December strike in the public sector.