40 years of Business Informatics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana: All future companies will be technological companies!
The highlight of the event was a discussion of the key challenges in informatics in terms of aligning the digitalisation of companies with business processes and people. The discussion included the former students Tomaž Štolfa (co-founder of Layer), Tjaž Jelovčan (Microsoft), Ana Petrovska (Lek), Miha Valentinčič (Petrol), Venčeslav Perko (ELES) and Teja Batagelj (GEN-I) as well as two former professors who played an important role in establishing and developing Business Informatics, Prof. Dr Janez Grad and Prof. Dr Andrej Kovačič.
In the public discussion hosted by Prof. Dr Aleš Groznik, Tomaž Štolfa, the co-founder of Layer, illustrated with an example of the technological giant Amazon how this company, which once mainly sold books, has built its success on technological development. However, despite the great technological progress made in the past 40 years since the study programme was introduced, the discussion also considered the fact that today's technological solutions stem from visionary ideas that emerged decades ago, except that nowadays they are propelled by stronger computers. In a world of technology, one is always standing on the shoulders of giants who should be respected and their work upgraded. During the discussion, Prof. Dr Aleš Groznik emphasised that technology has been advancing in waves. Great progress occurs at a specific moment and then - until the 'next big thing' comes around - gradual development takes place. Such an example is nanorobots.
Photo: STA
Over the past 40 years, the FELU Business Informatics study programme has taken tremendous steps forward, especially given that back in 1978 this was still an extremely narrow field of information technology. Today, it enjoys the reputation of a leading interdisciplinary study that combines information technology with business sciences, especially management. Prof. Dr Mojca Indihar Štemberger, Chair of the Department of Business Informatics and Logistics, stressed that every year the FELU upgrades and redesigns this programme in line with the latest trends.
So far, the programme has produced over 2,200 graduates, although the Department also has a strong research component, especially in the area of business process management where, according to Indihar Štemberger, the University of Ljubljana ranks third in the world in terms of research achievements thanks to this programme. Up to 120 students enrol every year, 30-40 of whom come from abroad, mainly Europe and some also from Asia, America and Africa. The Department offers two double-degree programmes; since 2011, it has been cooperating with the NOVA University from Lisbon and, since 2018, also with the Pforzheim Business School. The FELU's research excellence in this field is exceptional: 3rd place in the world in business process management research (it comes behind the Queensland University of Technology and the University of Liechtenstein) and 3rd place in the world in research into Big Data integration with business processes (behind the University of Nebraska and Kansas State University).
Photo: STA
More information:
Prof. Dr Mojca Indihar Štemberger, Chair of the Department of Business Informatics and Logistics and Chair of the Business Informatics graduate programme
Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana,
mojca.stemberger@ef.uni-lj.si; tel.: 040 202 258