The Slovenia Times

RogLab Project awarded at the EUROCITIES conference


The RogLab project is a part of the Rog factory, an important industrial centre in the past, that will be turned into a modern creative space.

RogLab is the first step: a small creative junction, full of rapid prototyping equipment, founded in the City of Ljubljana. Together with 40 local and international partners, designers, artists and entrepreneurs provide equipment and technical assistance for implementing innovative ideas. Many of them focus on the challenges that life brings in the urban environment and on pressing social problems.

Over the course of six years, RogLab has hosted more than 4,500 individual users, 70% of which are women, and more than 200 children have enrolled in its education program each year.


Children's workshop in RogLab. Photo: Nika Curk


In Ljubljana, with the help of RogLab, we are testing small working methods which could become the central part of the revitalised Rog plant in the future. Thus, with innovation and originality, it will again serve the creative, entrepreneurial spirit of Ljubljana.

At the award ceremony, Meta Štular, Head of RogLab, said: "The EUROCITIES Award is the recognition for the many people who took part in the birth, development and life of RogLab. RogLab is a model for linking an organisation that tries to respond to the needs of creators who are facing the challenges of globalisation, digitalisation and technology breakthroughs. It is a medical space where comic writers and electro-engineers, fashion creators and physically impaired new entrants, children and urban planners, plumbers and millennials can meet in joint projects. "

This is the second award by EUROCITIES for Ljubljana. In 2013, the City received the Smart Care Award for the project "Ensuring safety and equal opportunities in transport for children and people with disabilities".


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