The Slovenia Times

OZS pushing for new system of work injury reimbursement


According to OZS head Borut Meh, the chamber proposes that the current system of reimbursement for injuries at work and occupational diseases be changed so that the contributions which employers pay for the purpose be raised from 0.53% of pay to 1% and that the money be used exclusively for this purpose so no additional reimbursements would be necessary.

Under the current system, the public healthcare fund ZZZS collects some EUR 80m of these contributions a year, but if the contribution was raised to 1% it would collect some EUR 160m, which should be enough to cover all costs.

Meh said he was upbeat about the talks with Health Minister Samo Fakin on the issue and that the talks would continue this month. The OZS said it wanted both employees and employers protected by the new rules.

The chamber would also like sick leave compensation to be transferred from the employer to the ZZZS after 20 days of sick leave not 30, as is the case now.

Another issue the OZS wants resolved is the status of pensioners who want to continue to run their business. Meh said the camber "would like to make life easier to some 18,000 retired craftsmen and entrepreneurs who would like to continue to work."

The double status would allow them to continue to conduct their business and still receive full pension. Currently, those who want to continue working must give up 80% of their monthly pension.

Meh said talks on the status of pensioners would also continue this month.

The OZS will also strive to set up a system of apprenticeship this years, Meh added. In this school year, 115 of the 1,500 vocational school students are enrolled in the dual system of education.

The OZS welcomed 1,000 new members last year, putting their total number at 25,000. Membership in the chamber is voluntary since 2013.


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