The Platinum DGNB Certificate Awarded to the New Knauf Insulation Demonastration and Training Centre at Škofja Loka
From the very beginning, the new Knauf Insulation Experience Center has been designed in compliance with the DGNB standards. This required a very high level of understanding of sustainable construction requirements by designers and investors. After all, implementation of a building engineering project like this is a major challenge. Being the first of its kind in Slovenia that obtained the DGNB certificate, the facility is a pioneering achievement, as many stakeholders faced the challenges for the first time.
The German Sustainability Council (DGNB) owns one of the world's three most visible sustainable construction certification systems (the DGNB Certificate). Given that the Slovene construction solutions have a lot in common with German solutions in the area, this certification system seemed the most appropriate for the new facility. DGNB certifies different types of buildings worldwide with a view to make sustainable construction a commonly accepted building standard that would contribute to raising the culture of today's construction industry. Their certification system currently represents a systematic valuation of the situation, and has value particularly concerning the visibility and comparability of sustainable construction projects, enhancing as such the investors' reputation.
In terms of evaluation, DGNB awards the DGNB certificate in bronze, silver, gold and platinum. The application is filed by the investor himself, and to obtain the certificate, it is necessary to compile a comprehensive documentary evidence that forms the basis for evaluation according to criteria which are known in advance. A sustainable construction project is assessed according to 6 principal criteria: environmental, economic, sociocultural and functional, technical, process and site quality. Upon reviewing the submitted documentation, the evaluators awarded the PLATINUM DGNB Certificate to the Knauf Insulation Experience Centre, which certifies the highest possible quality of sustainable construction, with economic, sociocultural and functional criteria met at the highest possible level.
In more developed markets in terms of sustainable construction, DGNB valuation has become a commonly accepted and recognised certification system in construction, real estate and other professional circles. In Slovenia, however, Knauf Insulation as the first holder of the DGNB Certificate wants to make the best use of it, particularly to increase the visibility of sustainable construction in general public and to ensure greater leverage in education. The Centre was build in partnership with Knauf, Knauf AMF, Velux, Sika, Alukoenigstahl, Alkam, Zumtobel, Semmelrock, F. Leskovec and TEM who all identified a great opportunity for themselves in this sustainable construction project.
In just two months of operation, the new demonstration and training centre was visited by more than 3000 people attending in more than 30 various events. Technical advisory services and consultation are provided inside from Tuesday to Thursday (from 8.00 to 15.00).