The Slovenia Times

Business and govt reps seek ways to boost competitiveness


The forum is organised by the Slovenian Business Club, which is proposing looking to Switzerland for inspiration on how to increase added value.

"Switzerland is very strong when it comes to added value, while this is Slovenia's Achilles tendon, with added value failing to follow the fairly fast pace of economic growth in recent years," SBC executive director Goran Novković told the press when announcing the forum.

The main guest of the Switzerland segment of the forum will be Heinz Karrrer, the president of the biggest economic organisation in Switzerland, Economiesuisse.

Also on hand will be Slovenian entrepreneurs cooperating with Switzerland or working with Swiss investors, as well as young Slovenians working for Swiss companies.

The second segment will mostly focus on the measures of the Slovenian government meant to improve the business environment this year.

An address is scheduled by Prime Minister Šarec, along with discussions featuring successful Slovenian entrepreneurs as well as Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek, Finance Minister Andrej Bertoncelj and Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Minister Ksenija Klampfer.

Moreover, the forum will look at Austria's 2016 tax reform and changes planned in 2020.

The SBC is proposing several measures to boost Slovenia's economy, starting with a comprehensive tax reform that would reduce the tax burden on wages.

It would also like a more flexible labour market, for instance by allowing companies to lay-off a limited number of poorly performing workers on open-ended contracts on condition they are replaced with new workers on equal terms.


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