Hauliers say traffic and waiting times becoming unbearable
The head of the OZS hauliers' section, Peter Pišek, told the press after meeting Public Administration Minister Rudi Medved and Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar that hauliers were facing increasingly congested roads and ever widening restrictions to freight transport on local roads.
He also highlighted the Karavanke tunnel issue, calling for a prompt start of the construction of the second tube, which has been delayed by tender issues in Slovenia.
Medved announced that a government task force would be formed to address the issues, while he highlighted the urgent need to revamp public procurement legislation.
"The procedures are unusually and unacceptably long and this is of course casing major damage to the state and the economy," he said.
Minister Poklukar welcomed the steps announced by Medved, saying the Interior Ministry was aware of what hauliers were experiencing when waiting to enter the Schengen area or at the Austrian border, where controls remain in place.
He said that certain solutions had already been proposed and that the "government task force will speed up things further".