The Slovenia Times

Forum for Digital Society calls for responsible digitalisation


The NGO uniting researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, opinion makers and others called for "transparency of procedures" and high level of security of information in the public sector.

The Forum believes that the recent major personal data breach at the Izola hospital, unauthorised access to medial records of public figures, fragmentation of IT systems, problems with the publishing of local election results and with introducing new IT systems at social centres show that the digitalisation of the public sector is not being implemented properly.

The abuses of data and information not only violate individual's privacy and their human rights and fundamental freedoms but could also put critical national infrastructure and the country itself in danger, the NGO said.

It called for dialogue among experts and cooperation of all stakeholders in digitalisation.

The price criteria used in public procurement is problematic, because low prices do not guarantee the quality of service, depreciate Slovenian engineers, lead to inappropriate solutions, and allow for abuse of digital systems.

The Forum for Digital Society warned that media reporting on the security incidents created the impression that digitalisation entailed unacceptable risks, which incited fear among citizens, while safe and efficient digital solutions are possible using modern IT technologies.


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