The Slovenia Times

Concession agreement for Divača-Koper track signed


The document was signed by Infrastructure Minister Alenka Bratušek, 2TDK CEO Dušan Zorko and board member Marko Brezigar.

"This contract gives 2TDK new substance, purpose and goal," Zorko said after the signing, adding that it would allow it to enter into relationships with third parties such as banks.

The government decree that serves as the basis for the contract stipulates that the investment, estimated at more than EUR 1 billion, is covered by 2TDK and so are the costs of the services of the infrastructure manager, SŽ-Infrastruktura, a subsidiary of the state-owned rail operator.

The state will pay a monthly access fee to 2TDK, which will serve as the source of funds to repay loans taken out for the construction and cover 2TDK operating costs.

The funds will come from three sources: higher motorway tolls, Luka Koper transshipment duties and railway infrastructure fees, said the minister, adding that these are already being collected.

"It is expected - and I see no reason why this should not be the case - that the project will not have cost a single taxpayer euro by the time the concession period runs out. Everything will be covered from these three sources," Bratušek said.

She added that the financial plan for the project would be completed by the end of the month, including a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The EIB has demanded that the state provide a guarantee for the loan, which Bratušek said should not be a problem, as the relevant bill is "as good as ready".

She added that the bill had to be passed by the end of the year, before loan contracts are signed. Zorko said that Slovenia had done everything in its power and that "there is no reason for EIB not to grant the loan".


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