The Slovenia Times

Four out of five Slovenians regular internet users


The percentage of people aged between 16 and 74 who have never used the internet decreased by half in 10 years; from 33% in 2009 to just 16% in 2018.

In the same period the percentage of regular internet users aged between 16 and 74 increased from 62% to 80%. The biggest increase was recorded among older citizens; according to the latest data, 47% of Slovenians aged between 65 and 74 are regular internet users, a dramatic increase from 8% in 2009.

At the start of 2018, 64% of internet users listened to music via internet radio, YouTube, or music streaming applications. Only 16% used the internet to watch video; half of all users used it to make phone or video calls, and roughly the same percentage used it for electronic banking.

The number of broadband internet access points also increased in the past 10 years, from 442,623 mostly xDSL access points in 2009 to 612,737 mostly optical access points in 2018.

The percentage of households with internet access in which at least one person is aged between 16 and 74 increased from 64% to 87%.

During that time, the number of companies operating within the information and communications technology industry also increased. The number of companies that provide internet access or mobile telephony and develop or do maintenance on software for companies has increased by 154%.

In 2018, 54% of people aged between 16 and 74 used public institutions' websites; around 50% of them used them to obtain information, a little under a third to download forms, and around a fifth to submit forms.


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