The Slovenia Times

Parties deem EU's role in fight against climate change crucial


The conservative alliance of the Democratic Party (SDS) and People's Party (SLS), which has been leading in the opinion polls, argues that the EU as the most advanced society must initiate environmental-friendly technological solutions.

They also believe that more should be done to switch to clean energy sources and to a circular economy.

Similarly, the conservative New Slovenia (NSi) says that the EU must set global trends in the field and that joint action is the only way to fight climate change as a global phenomenon.

The party believes that more should be done to adapt farming to climate change, and that self-sufficiency should become a strategic goal for the EU.

The Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) of Slovenia's prime minister says that the EU is among the most advanced parts of the world when it comes to protecting the environment, but adds the challenge ahead will be climate refugees.

A fellow liberal party and coalition partner, the Modern Centre Party (SMC), says the EU is making big strides in the field compared to other global players.

The party also deems it vital that the EU should keep the issue of climate change on the agenda and encourage policies promoting sustainable development and circular economy.

The Social Democrats (SD) urge placing the efforts to preserve the ecosystems in the centre of all policies, supporting small farms and micro businesses, and establishing sustainable farming.

The party also advocates imposing sanctions for food waste, putting in place a public transportation system accessible to all, and decarbonising the energy sector.

Meanwhile, the Left finds that the measures taken so far are more or less aimed at but creating the appearance of green policy, so they are not producing the desired results.

The party calls for a Green New Deal, an investment plan for Europe's green overhaul, to be financed by the European Central Bank and European Investment Bank.

The Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) is also critical of the EU, arguing Europe does what the whole developed world is doing; pushing the waste from its yard into third-world countries.

The party says that member states are given too much freedom to decide on important policies concerning the environment. "We need not only a list of measures, but also stiffer sanctions."

Another member of the ruling coalition, the Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB), says that climate change shows that the EU must be preserved because climate change can only be fought by joint action.

The opposition National Party (SNS) says that while climate change is primarily part of a natural cycle, effort should be made not to make it worse.

The party says that one of the things that is making pollution worse is the lobbies' desire for constant profits.

Several smaller non-parliamentary political groups have lambasted a lack of action, but the far-right Homeland League (DOM) stand against what it labels as the EU's green socialism.

The party argues that hyper-regulation and high excise tax on energy products are making companies uncompetitive and raise costs of living. "Green energy has its price, but the politics that is outwardly green but red inside reduces the quality of life."

The environmental alliance of parties Let's Connect urge politics to face capital and industry officials to take measures needed to preserve the planet.

"The ground beneath our feet is burning, while decision-makers in comfortable armchairs are not even delivering on the signed Paris Agreement commitments," the alliance says.

The Greens, another green party, is worried about what it sees as neglect of the issue of biodiversity and environmental bombs hidden under the ground in the form of chemicals.


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