The Slovenia Times

"In 3-5 years 47% of the jobs will be gone, and over 80% of today's companies will not exist anymore"



On the other side, geo-political tensions and protectionism, which are obstructing the free global trade, combined with slowing of growth due to the ending of the longest in the history economic growth cycle, will also add to the problem.

Since early 2014 research has been showing significant increase in the speed of business model transformation, both in the US and Asia.

The data from Europe, however, constantly shows much slower pace of business transformation, which is lately becoming a major threat to Europe's position among global economic superpowers. Businesses of all sizes are affected, but especially mid-size companies, which are in the growth & expansion stage.



INEX and its global partners - leading Universities, Chambers of Commerce and Innovation Hubs have started an initiative to conduct a qualitative research on several European markets, in order to get deeper insight and better understanding of underlaying reasons for the slower pace of transformation of European companies. The research will serve as a Fit-test for the participating companies, in order to assess how ready are they for the next economic downturn and fundamental structural changes that will follow, which are often referred as The New Economy. It is currently being deployed in 5 markets, including Slovenia, and the aim is to get deeper insight into the needs of local companies, especially those that are critical to accelerate the pace of business transformation. 

Companies participating in the research would have to allocate 90 minutes of a C-level executive (CEO, CIO, CSO) for an active conversation with one of our research specialists. This can be dome also in a group setting, with 2-3 companies participating at the same time. A preparation deck would be sent to the participating companies 7 days prior to the working meeting. The research is funded by the INEX CE Development Fund, so there is no cost for the participants.

The results of the study will be used as a direct framework for deploying a set of business development initiatives on the selected markets - funding, leadership education, partnering and opening global markets, and availability of tools and technologies for growth.

Participating companies will have a priority access to the framework, providing them access to capital, global connections and partnerships to open new markets and opportunities. They will also have an option to ba a founding member of the Consortium, which will be a platform to share knowledge, technology and opportunities among large as well as SME companies, and to lobby among the key stakeholders such as government and regulators.      

Participating companies will also be invited to the INEX global events to represent their respective region, starting from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit in New York during the UN General Assembly in September 2019 and also in Davos during the World Economic Forum 2020, in the INEX Ecosystem Lounge. All participating companies and partner organizations will be invited and presented together with the report. For more information or if you want to apply for your company to participate please emai


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