Ombudsman urges office holders to refrain from hate speech
"All holders of public office and politicians must refrain from discriminatory and hateful statements, written or spoken, that belittles, intimidates or harms anyone in any way," Svetina said.
His statement comes after National Party (SNS) MP Dušan Šiško told the parliamentary Home Policy Committee on Monday that "I would send a shot in his head" when he referred to an Iraqi man who recently assaulted a taxi driver and was shot in the leg by police.
Svetina said that threatening violence against anyone, "including those who cross the border illegally or cause violations, cannot be admissible."
"As a society, we must send a clear message about the inadmissibility of certain actions that, history has taught us, have proved destructive," according to the ombudsman.
Zmago Jelinčič, the president of the SNS, dismissed the ombudsman's statement and said Šiško had "not gone too far".