The Slovenia Times

Gen Energija management board gets second member


Levičar, who has served as management board member at Gen-I, a subsidiary, since 2016, was appointed business director for a four-year term at a supervisory board session in late July.

Apart from Gen-I, he has worked at the Nuclear Power Plant and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and headed the Energy Directorate at the Infrastructure Ministry.

Gen Energija has had a single management board member in Novšak for 14 years, while Slovenia Sovereign Holding (SSH), the state assets custodian, has been striving for at least two-member boards in state-owned companies.

The move comes after the government replaced its four representatives in the company's six-member supervisory board in June.

However, the newspaper Dnevnik said back then that the supervisors who had been replaced were also in favour of appointing an additional management member.


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