The Slovenia Times

Draft energy and climate plan improved


The new draft sets down various scenarios serving as a basis for an environment impact assessment to which it will be subjected before being sent into public consultation.

Slovenia's goal for 2030 is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the sector which is not part of the European coupon scheme by 15% against 2005, which is no change from the first draft.

What is new is the country's goal to increase the share of renewables to "at least" 27% by 2030, as opposed to "a 27% share" in the first draft.

Slovenia is still far from the goal, since the share of renewables is currently at around 17%.

Under the plan, electricity production until 2030 would be mostly based on domestic hydro power stations, existing nuclear energy and the use of domestic coal.

The hydro power stations would increase their output, with the other two pillars keeping it at the achieved levels.

There are three scenarios for Slovenia to achieve the renewables goal.

It would reach 22.4% of renewables in the gross end use of energy under the existing measures scenario, which implies minimal investments into major facilities and the completion of the planned power stations on the lower Sava.

The scenario with additional measures would bring the figure to 24.1%, and implies more electricity not only from hydro power stations but also from wind and sun.

The third, ambitions, scenario would see Slovenia have a 28.8% share of renewable sources of energy.

In reference to 2007, Slovenia aims to improve its energy efficiency by 2030 by at least 32.5%; in the first draft the figure was 20%.

"Transport has emerged as Slovenia's biggest challenge, since personal transport and cargo transport are projected to further rise by 2030," the ministry said.

It highlighted introducing more renewable sources of energy as another challenge, foremost because it is difficult to find the right location for them.

"Reaching the energy and climate goals will be one of Slovenia's main priorities until 2030, because it will have a major impact on the quality of living of all of us," the ministry said in a release.

In line with a decree on the management of the energy union and climate measures, EU members must adopt a national energy and climate plan for 2021-2030, with a projection until 2040.

They must set national energy and climate goals and policies which will add up to common goals at the EU level.

The plan must cover five dimensions of the energy union: decarbonisation, energy efficiency, energy security, internal energy market, plus research, innovation and competition.

The first draft which Slovenia sent to the EU last last year was strongly criticised by the European Commission for lacking ambition, so the ministry has improved it.

The improvements were made by a consortium led by the Jožef Stefan Institute, a leading research institute, where the document will be presented on Friday.

The ministry will then draw up the final draft, select the final scenarios and goals, further harmonise the measures and produce an assessment of their macroeconomic effects.

The government is running late in producing the final version of the National Energy and Climate, and is expected to miss the end-2019 deadline to send it to Brussels.

Infrastructure Minister Alenka Bratušek has recently said the document will most likely be sent to the EU in the first half of 2020.


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