Zajc points to connections between Environment Ministry, business
Zajc said the government had set circular economy as its priority four years ago and that the transition to a green model of economy was an opportunity for businesses.
According to the minister, the Environment Agency is to clear up the backlog in the issuing of permits for new investments and will hire more people to this end. Legislation in this area will also need to be amended, he added.
The Environment Ministry will study all the remarks on the proposed construction legislation to optimise the procedures for obtaining an environment permit, he added.
Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek, who is in Russia today, addressed the opening via video call. He said the Slovenian economy was in good shape and on track to become green, creative and smart.
He believes the know-how and experience of micro companies, which comprise 86% of the economy and employ 19% of active population, have significantly contributed to this. Small companies employ another 27% of the employed and middle-sized companies another 20%, he noted.
Thanks to craftsmen and entrepreneurs all economic indicators are positive this year, the minister said, noting that Slovenia's GDP in the second quarter was 2.6% higher than in 2018.
"Economic growth is therefore calming down somewhat but is still stable at the annual level," he said.
Branko Meh, the president of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business (OZS), pointed to the lack of staff in trade crafts and small businesses, saying it was still a burning issue.
Noting that small businesses were the engine of Slovenia, he called for a more encouraging environment and legislation.
Dragica Sekulić, the economy minister of this year's partner country at MOSS, Montenegro, said trade between Slovenia and Montenegro topped EUR 85 million last year, which was three times more than in 2015.
She said Montenegrin government was promoting entrepreneurship and striving to create a stimulating business environment both for domestic and foreign companies.
The number of micro, small and middle-sized companies thus rose by 59% compared to 2011, with the number of employed by them rising by 31%.
According to the head of the Montenegrin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vlastimir Golubović, almost 50 Montenegrin exhibitors from agriculture, tourism and transport are presented at fair.
"Montenegrin manufacturers are ready to win the trust of Slovenian consumers and offer them products that meet European standards for which we can proudly say they are made in Montenegro," Golubović said.
The Economy Ministry also opened its stall today, where officials will be on hand for consultations and questions at the fair, which is expected to be attended by more than 100,000 visitors until Sunday.