The Slovenia Times

Medicop launches new investment


The 6,300-square-metre premises located in the city's industrial area will increase Medicop's capacities by 60%.

The investment received a state subsidiary of EUR 900,000 under the law on balanced regional development, which aims for all regions in Slovenia to be equally developed.

Medicop director general Peter Podlunšek said the company was just about to meet the pledge to hire 23 workers in exchange for the state aid.

Nineteen workers have been employed over the past year, which puts Medcop's workforce at 98, he noted.

Medicop was set up by Podlunšek's parents 40 years ago, and has witnessed fast growth by expanding to over 60 markets worldwide.

The company consists of two divisions, one focussing on medical equipment and the other on equipping special vehicles, foremost ambulances.

All its equipments is a result of its own R&D. Podlunšek said its clients as well as rivals put the company among the top five in the world.

Medicop is according to Podlunšek guided by quality, so the goal is not the volume of products but the fact that they meet the highest standards.

The company bets on quality, safety and its own trademark, said the director, highlighting the fact it was the only one in the world with the same brand of ambulances and equipment for them.

Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek said the Medicop investment was a good signal for other investors in the region of Pomurje.

As unemployment in Pomurje is still above the national average, he is happy new workers will be hired, and lauded Medicop's innovative and development-oriented spirit.


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