The Slovenia Times

PM says 'no' to N Macedonia would lead to unpredictability


Šarec told the press that a positive decision was being legitimately expected in Skopje, adding that "all of us know that the negotiating process is very long" and that "nothing will happen over night."

After the EU foreign ministers failed to take a decision on the launch of accession talks with North Macedonia due to objections from France, the matter will be discussed by EU leaders today.

According to unofficial information, while only France objects the talks with North Macedonia, arguing that the country should implement more reforms, several countries have objections regarding Albania.

Šarec said he did not know if North Macedonia would get the green light today, and that it was difficult to comment for the media whether he understood the position of French President Emmanuel Macron. He said he would present his opinion in the debate.

While he believes North Macedonia definitely deserves a positive opinion, Šarec understands the position that many things are still open and that some may believe that enlargement is not needed at the moment.

But he stressed that this was by no means an end of the process and that "too much is at stake", pointing to the turbulent history of the Western Balkans.

Slovenia does not advocate a "package approach" for the region at any cost, he said, but added that those who had done everything they had been asked deserved the start of the EU accession talks.

Šarec said North Macedonia needed an incentive to implement the necessary reforms and transform the entire society and the start of the talks would encourage people to continue to believe in the EU.

As Slovenia resolutely supports the start of EU accession talks with both countries and warns against negative consequences of a no-decision for the stability of the region and credibility of the EU, Šarec also called for a positive decision in a letter to the EU leaders addressed on Monday.


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