The Slovenia Times

Ljubljana in Autumn


New environment-friendly LPP buses in Ljubljana

One of the sustainable measures of the European Mobility Week in Ljubljana this year is the acquisition of 33 new environment-friendly LPP buses.

The fleet of the public company Ljubljanski potniški promet has increased by 17 single low-floor buses and 16 single suburban high-floor buses. With the acquisition of the new buses we are increasing our capacities in the morning rush hours which is especially important for the busiest lines on which the new buses are going to operate.


The Mercedes Benz Citaro NGT Hybrid buses have an engine using natural gas as fuel and, in addition, an electric engine. These are the so called "soft" hybrids, namely, as they are slowing down, the electric engine acts as an electric power generator. When the bus drives off from the station, the electric power from the capacitor starts the electric engine which supports the classical gas engine. The buses are distinguished by low fuel consumption, which means lower emissions of CO2 and other harmful gases produced during combustion. They are equipped with state-of-the-art systems which are built into such buses.

We have also reinforced the suburban passenger traffic fleet with new buses. Among them there are three 15-metre Setra S 419-UL buses and thirteen 12-metre Iveco Crossway Line buses. Both bus types use diesel as fuel and have the EURO VI engine.

The arrival of new buses is a solid step on the path to a comprehensive renewal of the LPP fleet. With modern buses using natural gas as fuel we are increasing the quality of urban life in Ljubljana, as we are reducing noise levels and making air cleaner.

Together for Ljubljana, European Capital of Culture 2025

On 13 September 2019, we signed a Cooperation Agreement for a joint project, namely, the candidacy of the City of Ljubljana for the title European Capital of Culture 2025 (ECC 2025), in which 26 municipalities in the Ljubljana Urban Region are participating.

The agreement is a result of great cooperation and relationships between mayors in the Ljubljana Urban Region.

The signed agreement is the cornerstone of the first pillar of the European Capital of Culture, and a successful execution of the project will have a positive result on the whole region, not only on the development of culture but also of other areas closely connected to culture.



Strong support for the candidacy

At the signing of the agreement, Mayor Zoran Janković underlined the great cooperation between municipalities in the Ljubljana Urban Region which shows that the Central Slovenia Region is connected in terms of existence and development. He expressed his pleasure that all mayors in the region are unanimous in every decision, even at confirming the conclusion on the joint candidacy for the title Ljubljana, European Capital of Culture.

The signing of the cooperation agreement between municipalities of the Ljubljana Urban Region means that Ljubljana's candidacy for the title ECC 2025 enjoys wide and strong support and a strong commitment of all municipal bodies within the region.

Continued good cooperation with Moscow 


Photo: Maksim Mišin

On 10 September 2019, Mayor Zoran Janković and Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin signed the Programme of Cooperation between the Government of Moscow and the City of Ljubljana for 2019-2021.

This is the continuation of good cooperation between Ljubljana and Moscow based on the Protocol of Friendship and Cooperation between the cities signed in 2000.

In the Programme of Cooperation for 2019-2021 we defined following priority areas of cooperation: city administration and economy, science and entrepreneurship, culture and art, tourism, sports, education and social protection of citizens.

In the Programme of Cooperation we came to an agreement to carry out Ljubljana Days in Moscow in May next year and set other bilateral forms of cooperation between the cities.

Within the scope of the visit Mayor Zoran Janković also attended the unveiling of the monument for Slovenes fallen on the Russian territory during the First and Second World War at the Victory Park in Moscow.


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