Number of tourists up 5.7% in first nine months
The number of Slovenian tourists in the January-September period was up by 1.3% year-on-year, but the number of overnight stays was down by 2%.
On the other hand, the number of foreign tourists recorded in Slovenia in the period was up by 7.1% and the number of overnight stays they generated by 3.5%.
In September alone, the number of tourists reached 630,000 which is 3.7% more year-on-year. The number of Slovenian tourists was up by 1.5% and of foreign guests by 4.3%.
Almost 1.5 million overnight stays were recorded in Slovenian tourist facilities in September, which is 2.6% less than in the same period last year. The number for Slovenian tourists was down by 3.9% and for foreigners by 2.2%.
Nationality-wise, the most overnight stays were generated in September by Germans (20%), followed by Austrians (9%), and Italians (7%). At the annual level, the number of German tourists increased the most, by 15%.