New shipment of protective equipment from China delivered
The delivery was made by Public Digital Infrastructure, a company owned by gaming millionaire Joc Pečečnik, under a EUR 30 million-plus contract with the state, TV Slovenija reported.
Pečečnik said this was not the last delivery. He said that it was still difficult to secure sufficient quantities of equipment even though the situation was calming down.
Prime Minister Janez Janša wrote on Twitter that "the week after the holidays will be calmer" now.
The shipment follows the delivery of some 27 tonnes of equipment on Friday after Slovenia and China established an airbridge of sorts with the help of the Commodities Reserves Agency, the Slovenian embassy in Beijing and Hisense, the Chinese owner of Slovenian home appliances maker Gorenje.
Along with ramped-up domestic production, the supplies have been enough to end severe shortages that Slovenia, like most countries around the world, had experienced in the early staged of the coronavirus pandemic.
Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek has said Slovenia is now in a position where it can choose what it will buy.