Slovenia joins initiative promoting green economy after corona
The initiative was launched by ten member states on 9 April with a letter to the European Commission saying the measures designed to help the economy after the end of the crisis could stem from the European Green Deal, which seeks to make Europe a climate-neutral continent by 2050.
The original signatories of the initiative highlighted in early April that approaches to long-term stimulus strategies should also address climate challenges. Slovenia signed the initiative on Monday.
The Green Deal, unveiled last December, should play an important role in planning the European economic recovery, the Slovenian Environment Ministry said on Tuesday.
Sustainable investments, circular economy as well as digitalisation will be key in the efforts aiming to relaunch the economy.
The signatories believe that EU member states should strive for solidarity and cooperation now more than ever, including in fighting the pandemic, salvaging the economy and coming up with green synergies. They also highlight the key role of the 2050 climate-neutrality target in long-term investment and recovery scenarios.