Coronacrisis opportunity for innovation, business believes
A survey by Boston Consulting Group including 25 European companies from across all sectors showed that the IT sector will exit the crisis as a winner, with economist Škerlavaj mentioning videoconferencing tool Zoom.
Marko Javornik of software developer Voyego by Comtrade agreed that the IT sector would be one of the winners of the crisis.
"I believe the crisis gave a significant boost to digitalisation, but things are not the same in all verticals," said Javornik, adding that his company also developed software for airlines, a sector that went dead over night.
But while the company lost business in that sector, it gained new deals in others. "You need to think about the future. You don't celebrate an existing deal, but think about changes ahead."
This view was shared by Matej Čer, the executive director of car rental company Avant Car. He believes that in crises, time is right to invest. "The world is always changing by new infrastructure that simplifies processes, makes chains cheaper."
Ivo Boscarol of light aircraft maker Pipistrel meanwhile said that the company benefited from doing business in China, enabling it to buy enough material for production to continue throughout the crisis.
He also said that on Friday Pipistrel had become the first company to receive a licence for a commercial electric plane from the EU Aviation Safety Agency.