The Slovenia Times

Foreign Minister Logar to head 2021 EU presidency project


The appointments follow the new organisational structure for the preparation and organisation of the presidency adopted by the new government, which features a core task force and a broader task force.

The core task force will feature Prime Minister Janez Janša, who will head it, as well as Logar, Finance Minister Andrej Šircelj, Public Administration Minister Boštjan Koritnik, Foreign Ministry State Secretary Gašper Dovžan, government secretary general Božo Predalič, Slovenia's Ambassador to the EU Iztok Jarc and Igor Senčar, a state secretary in the PM's office.

The broader task force will meanwhile be headed by Logar, who succeeds Mally, who was appointed as the head of the project during the Marjan Šarec government as a state secretary in Šarec's office.

The government said as it announced the appointments that it had decided to transfer the project to the Foreign Ministry, while a project task force within the government would continue to provide expert and administrative assistance.

Apart from Mally, leaving the task force are the former ministers Miro Cerar, Andrej Bertoncelj, Rudi Medved and the former Ambassador to the EU Janez Lenarčič, who currently serves as the European crisis management commissioner.


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